This thought comes to my mind mostly, when I hear politicians say (Indian politicians, I do not know about others) "Do you think the common people are stupid?" Or, "Voters are not stupid, they understand what's right or wrong."
These are mostly used by oppositions when they do not support an action of the ruling party (actually they do not support any action of the ruling party, even if they are good). Also, ruling party when they want to assure the people that what the ruling party is doing is right.
This one I find is one of the biggest lies ever.
People are Stupid. But if you are in politics, this is single most dangerous truth to say in public.

I think people are absolutely dumb and there should not be any controversy, it is so obvious.
Let me explain.
We over generalise everything. In some cases this over generalisation it is very wrong.
Here is the thing. People have understanding in very few domains, are experts in even fewer topics.
This is normal.
There are gazillions of topics, that people do not understand a thing but people make sure to comment on.
What percentage of people understand politics, how many people understand the economy, how many people understand statistics, how many people understand science, medicines? There are millions of important topics like these.
And it is not possible for people to have an understanding on so many domains, they are gonna be dumb at everything except few. Even Sir Issac Newton was dumb in most things.
So, we should be specific about topics when we say someone is or is not stupid. We should say something like someone is not stupid in this particular domain.
But if we generalise then "People are stupid" is infinite times truer than "People are not stupid", because there are infinite times more topics one has no knowledge on than the topics one knows and understands.
Yes, they are specific. Still, this is a lie.
They presume that people understand these all things politicians talk about. This is how is supposed to be, people should have primary knowledge on those, the Govt. spends so much money on education to make the people educated on those very important topics, so that later govt. can communicate with people and make them understand their policies.
But the reality is our education system fails miserably to teach those to people. And even many so-called highly educated people do not have enough grab on those topics and do understand what is good or what is bad for the country, what is bad for the people.
So, even when we niche down to the common and regularly discussed topics like govt. policies, statistics, politics, economy, statistics and so on, still we can say the "People are Stupid." Still, it will be much truer than "People are not stupid".
And, I think understanding this that "Everyone is stupid" is very necessary.
And before electing someone it is very important to ask yourself "Do I know him enough to elect? Do I understand his works, his values, his goals or, I am voting him because it is just trendy to support him?"
Don't get sold about when politicians say that "People are not stupid."
They just ego bait to get more support. When they say that people are not stupid and people will (or will not) support an action, everyone means it "One would be stupid if one does not (or does) support that action." People are egoistic and emotional, they make emotional decisions, shutting their brains completely off.
This is exactly what politicians want. They want you to use no brain at all. It is much easier to get a vote by manipulating a lazy brain than actually doing something good that acquires the votes.
I would vote for a politician who dares to say this truth in Public, even if he is the evil most politician in all other ways.
So what do you guys think? Are you stupid or are you not?
These are mostly used by oppositions when they do not support an action of the ruling party (actually they do not support any action of the ruling party, even if they are good). Also, ruling party when they want to assure the people that what the ruling party is doing is right.
This one I find is one of the biggest lies ever.
People are Stupid. But if you are in politics, this is single most dangerous truth to say in public.
People are absolutely stupid

I think people are absolutely dumb and there should not be any controversy, it is so obvious.
Let me explain.
We over generalise everything. In some cases this over generalisation it is very wrong.
Here is the thing. People have understanding in very few domains, are experts in even fewer topics.
This is normal.
There are gazillions of topics, that people do not understand a thing but people make sure to comment on.
What percentage of people understand politics, how many people understand the economy, how many people understand statistics, how many people understand science, medicines? There are millions of important topics like these.
And it is not possible for people to have an understanding on so many domains, they are gonna be dumb at everything except few. Even Sir Issac Newton was dumb in most things.
So, we should be specific about topics when we say someone is or is not stupid. We should say something like someone is not stupid in this particular domain.
But if we generalise then "People are stupid" is infinite times truer than "People are not stupid", because there are infinite times more topics one has no knowledge on than the topics one knows and understands.
Politicians should stop saying "People are not stupid"
You might point out that when politicians say that "people are not stupid" they mean people are not stupid about very common and much-discussed things like politics, govt policies, statistics, economy and so on. They do not count astrophysics, quantum, physics. So they are specific.Yes, they are specific. Still, this is a lie.
They presume that people understand these all things politicians talk about. This is how is supposed to be, people should have primary knowledge on those, the Govt. spends so much money on education to make the people educated on those very important topics, so that later govt. can communicate with people and make them understand their policies.
But the reality is our education system fails miserably to teach those to people. And even many so-called highly educated people do not have enough grab on those topics and do understand what is good or what is bad for the country, what is bad for the people.
So, even when we niche down to the common and regularly discussed topics like govt. policies, statistics, politics, economy, statistics and so on, still we can say the "People are Stupid." Still, it will be much truer than "People are not stupid".
Why this matters?
First of all, I do not discuss a topic because it is important, I discuss a topic if I like the topic. Doesn't matter how silly it is.And, I think understanding this that "Everyone is stupid" is very necessary.
And before electing someone it is very important to ask yourself "Do I know him enough to elect? Do I understand his works, his values, his goals or, I am voting him because it is just trendy to support him?"
Don't get sold about when politicians say that "People are not stupid."
They just ego bait to get more support. When they say that people are not stupid and people will (or will not) support an action, everyone means it "One would be stupid if one does not (or does) support that action." People are egoistic and emotional, they make emotional decisions, shutting their brains completely off.
This is exactly what politicians want. They want you to use no brain at all. It is much easier to get a vote by manipulating a lazy brain than actually doing something good that acquires the votes.
I would vote for a politician who dares to say this truth in Public, even if he is the evil most politician in all other ways.
So what do you guys think? Are you stupid or are you not?
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