I was watching the video, "Katy Perry - Mind Blown by Neil deGrasse Tyson", where Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson was geeking out with Katy Perry. Of course not that great video! I mean if you are a nerd you might be knowing everything in it already, but it will blow your mind if you not an Astrophysics nerd.
And, it won't be something boring. Even if you do not like geek out, you will enjoy it. It is nice as whenever your mind is about to blow, so does Katy Perry's mind and she grounds it with her entertainment and when it is starting becoming more of entertainment Neil again comes and takes the lead and starts to geek. There is a quite right balance of two.
Here, I'm not talking about any astrophysics thing, that you will find in the video below (far below). I am talking about any random stuff I liked.
Sometimes you may have felt something like the more you learn about things, the more you realise that you know nothing and things become more complicated than before. In this video, Katy Perry claimed the same. She said that she thrust for knowledge, she liked to make her educated and she was always very curious about things. But the more she has learnt, the more she realised that she knows nothing.
Neil explained this thing so nicely that...that I had to write this article. He explained it in such a way that you visualise it just like other physical things. It is something many of you realise a little bit, but his presentation was so great. Might be the phrase was there among philosophers before Neil deGrasse, but I got it from him.
He said:
Well, what happens is as your area of knowledge grows, so too does the perimeter of your ignorance. Because that is the boundary between what's known in the circle and what is unknown outside of it. So everything you learn, you stand in the new place and see the things you never even knew you didn't know.
I knew it before (well, mostly) but now I can see it as a physical dimension. Oh, have I mentioned how much I love diagrams and pictures! Many of you do so, but I am extreme, I will not read a book without any picture or diagram and I read only the pages with pictures.
So, as I love images and diagrams, I have drawn a little diagram of it.

Isn't it Genius? I don't now what you feel, but I think it is.
But I'm little frustrated with Katy Perry, she lacks general knowledge. I wanted her to be a little nerd about physics, just because her birthday is same as mine (so is Pablo Picasso's birthday), so I expect her to be smart.
Well, that is me just being silly, but the point is, I liked the conversation. Neil deGrasse Tyson always makes even very nerdy conversation on apparently boring topics interesting for everyone. Not many of the scientists can do that; if you know a little about scientists, you might know that most of the greatest scientists, for example, Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla were not very good at chatting with common people, they may be best at nerding out but could not make the conversation interesting for the common and ignorant people. Sir Isaac Newton used to have very hard time for even forming sentences.
I very much appreciate Neil that he takes interest in educating people about Astrophysics himself. We get to know about things directly from the scientist. Otherwise, our only choice would be reading those news magazines, where most the time journalists who themselves do not have a good understanding of the stuff and to make it look interesting, they twist the facts completely out of proportion and misrepresent the science.
You find news headings like, "Scientists Say Smelling Farts Might Prevent Cancer" (Time Magazine; July 11, 2014) or "A new study showing that drinking a glass of wine is just as good as spending an hour at the gym".
Yes, I'm talking about those, the scientific facts in the news you find and believe more than your textbooks, madly share in social media to prove your love and understanding about science. You can find more one how they are misleading people in Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.
The problem is people are ignorant about the importance of Science. People do not understand that science is not just a subject to be taught in class, it is the knowledge of natural phenomena of everything around us. You can skip politics but you do not want to forget how to ignite a fire.
So, few scientists like Neil deGrace Tyson explains to the ignorant people how much important and interesting the science is. In modern time it was mostly started with Carl Sagan. Without the awareness, we do not understand what those scientists, those self-proclaimed super geniuses, are actually doing. Ignorant people think that those scientists do some bullshit, which has no practical use, and for their stupid experiments, they have to pay taxes.
The awareness among the people even helps the scientists, as people take interest in those science experiments and become willing to fund those.
Well, here is the video I was talking about, watch it. And if you are an astrophysics nerd, please comment below and you can have a chat there.
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