Let's wonder a little that there is no earth, no other planet, no sun, no galaxy, no universe, there is nothing at all.
Somewhere in that nothingness a huge (or little, actually doesn't matter, as there is nothing else to compare with) amount of fluid, let's say a huge drop of fluid appeared. The water drop might have a distinct surface or it might have something like earth's atmosphere that doesn't have a distinct line separating from outside space.
Though n this case, there is no outside space. Whatever happens, has to happen in the inside of it. Nothing can exist outside of it.
Now, think, something appears in it.
Well, whatever appears in the fluid has very much different properties than the fluid. Let's make the fluid's properties as much different from the bodies in it as you can imagine. As if it runs on completely different physical laws.
As something has appeared in it, the fluid had to make it some space and the fluid has curved around it. That created a disturbance, something like a force produced in the fluid. That disturbance is maximum at the surface of the body, it spreads all over the fluid and exactly at the outer boundary of the fluid is becomes zero. Though the disturbance prevails everywhere in the liquid, it is negligible at a distance of it.
And, as there are no other body or any force exists outside, no matter how much the mass the body has, how much dense the material is, it will stay at the same place where it appeared, forever.
Now, if another body appears somewhere (of course inside the fluid always), it will execute a similar event. that means there is now a similar disturbance due to the existence of the second body.
And, the amount of disturbance completely depends on the volume of the body.
If those bodies appeared much closer to each other (we take "closer" as the disturbance becomes negligible at a distance) I think the fluid should push both of them towards each other. And the reason might be something like, if those bodies touch each other or combine and become one body, it will reduce the overall disturbance in the fluid.
Now if there are millions of such bodies, one will experience that kind of disturbance due to the existence of every other body.
The bodies close enough to one another will come even closer. Even the bodies are far apart from one another will tend to come closer but the effect is not noticeable, will take very long time to show any noticeable change. Again if the entire fluid expands fast enough, then an observer will see those bodies moving away from one another, instead of coming closer.
By now everyone has guessed the whole system is a model of the universe, isn't it? I believe the universe mostly behaves very similar way.
The fluid represents the space itself. Well, not just space, it represents the fabric of space and time.
All the bodies appeared in it are matter and energy. And, of course, they do not have to appear one after other, they all appeared at the very same moment when the fluid that means space appeared.
And most importantly, actually it is the one for what I have written the article is that the disturbance in the fluid represents the gravity or the gravitational waves in the space.
Well, gravity is not what Sir Isaac Newton thought at his time.
Have you ever wonder, how can a body attract another body without having any connection between them? Well, sir Einstein said something like that and he gave a very nice explanation of gravity (this is not that explanation, so do not take this article seriously).
Though the result same is same. It does not matter whether matters attract one another or space pushes them towards one another. And Newton's formula for gravity holds the same importance till now. So, if you find it difficult to comprehend what gravity is, you just can hold Newton's idea and happily use his formulae everywhere.
So, space is not what you were thinking, space is not "nothing". Space has some properties and it can push things towards one another and can do many other mind blowing things which I am not discussing here. And nothing can exist outside the space or the universe except another universe.
Basically, I wanted to express my idea about the gravity. Though it is not what gravity actually is, still I believe now you have much clearer picture. There is much difference between the model and the actual universe, if I don't highlight them out that might mislead few people.
Forget about the fluid, it is the fabric of space and time now and has many different properties than a fluid. but it gets curved by a body in it very much like the fluid in my model.
On thing very important to notice is, in my model I told the amount of the disturbance depends on the volume of space curved, that is the volume of the body, but in the case of gravity, it depends on the mass of the body, not the volume. That's a huge difference than the fluid.
Okay, there are many things which are just my thoughts and may go wrong. Yet, I believe it will be helpful to start to know about the universe in a better way. It will help the transition of understanding from Newton to Einstein, which I think is a huge step up in Physics. And, it is intended to foster the curiosity of people about nature, about Cosmic Science.
Note: This is just my thoughts, corrupted by little knowledge of Astro-Physics. To really understand gravity one has to have understood Einstein, Einstein explanation is completely different than this, which I do not understand well yet. So, don't take this as a learning resource. I like to document my imaginations with the little knowledge I have at the point of time so that after few years having a much better understanding I can look back and think "how stupid I was".
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